

And I’m not talking about Valentine’s Day. No, I’m talking about Theresa, of Bagatell fame, who has made grannysquare her aortal link of the moment. The little blog has arrived. I am overwhelmed. Theresa: first the translation for the ‘bed coziness,’ then the instructions for stash recycling, and now this. It’s too much! I will have to start sending you a yearly tribute of wool as repayment.


I have to say, I don’t like Valentine’s Day. I know, everyone has already weighed in on this, but I’m going to as well. In any case, I don’t like it. I have the dear boy, so it’s not that I feel lonely, it’s just that I think it’s a stupid holiday. It was fun when I was little, but now that foil doilies and rainbow glitter are no longer the alpha and omega of craftiness, the whole thing seems a little stale. I mean, why do I need some calendar day to remind me to do something nice, maybe a little romantic, for the person I love? I made the dear boy a hat recently, which I have saved to give to him today so I wouldn’t feel like some sort of V-Day slacker. (Where does that guilt even come from? I don’t feel guilty about not drinking green beer on St. Patrick’s Day. Why does this arbitrary holiday inspire such devotion?) Anyway, chocolates be damned. Nothing says love like a warm cranium.


Yesterday evening, I began knitting my Fiber Trends felted (Or fulled? I think it’s actually fulled.) clogs. I have one clog done, except for the second layer of sole. Those of you who have made the clogs know what I mean. For the rest of you, I’m sorry. I know, the word-pictures suck.

I love making things to be fulled. First, there’s the cartoon-ish size. These slippers look like they are for Sasquatch. And they are fuchsia. So apparently, Sasquatch is getting in touch with his feminine side. Then, there is the fact that I do not need to worry so much about how the knitting looks. For example, I messed up the first dozen or so M1 increases, by pulling up the loop from front to back and not knitting through the back of the loop to twist the stitch. This, of course, leaves a small hole in the fabric. Now, normally, because I am anal, I would have to rip back and fix all this. In this instance, however, I was able to laugh breezily and say, “Ah, well, it will never show after the fulling!” And this is a beautiful thing.

Well, my friends, have a pleasant weekend. May you knit many rows.

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